Focus on the Shoulder Complex

$197 for 90-day access to all pre-recorded webinar videos.

These professionally produced videos place you into our “live” classes, which contain both lecture and lab. We have worked to give you the experience of actually participating in a “live” course with clinical pearls from Dr. Frank’s feedback to participants during the lab sessions.

Some of the highlights include:

  • In-depth review of key functional tests and concepts
  • Muscle chain coordination training for stabilization and dynamic functions
  • Handling skills and key contact points for improved neuromyofascial integration
  • And much more!

Course Objectives

  1. Briefly discuss the regional interdependence of shoulder complex in relation to kinetic chain.
  2. Refine handling skills focusing on:
    • contact points
    • body positioning (patient & clinician)
    • optimization of stability-mobility re-ed and training

Course Outline

  • Brief summary of key concepts from Movement Links Series.
  • Key functional tests
  • Key contact points in Cervico-Scapulo-thoracic region
  • Muscle chain coordination training
  • The role of IAP and joint centration in Neuromuscular & exercise training
  • Key facilitatory positions and exercises
  • Movement and brain training.
Sample Video

Course Instructor

Clare Frank Clare Frank Author

Dr. Frank is a board-certified specialist in Orthope­dic Physical Therapy (OCS) and a fellow in the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT). She practices in Los Angeles, California.

90 Day On-Demand Video Rental

90 days of access

On-Demand, $197 for 90 days