Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder/Ehlers-danlos Syndrome

Online Webinar

$299.00 for 3 months’ access to all pre-recorded webinar videos. These professionally produced videos were based on a 2-day “live” workshop to a multidisciplinary group of health practitioners.  We have worked hard to give you a comprehensive experience of actually participating in a “live” course with demo and clinical pearls from both Dr. Wang and  Dr. Frank on managing these very unique and underserved patient population.  

Course Outline

  • Diagnostic criteria for hypermobile spectrum disorders (HSD) & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
  • Pathophysiology of hypermobility and associated conditions
  • Case Presentation of a complex HSD/EDS patient
  • The role of postural foundation with HSD/EDS patients 
  • Intervention strategies for the HSD/EDS patients including motor training, manual therapy, medical, external bracing, holistic and neuropsychological interventions

Course Instructors

Tina Wang Tina Wang Author

Dr. Wang practices a unique blend of Osteopathic Medicine, Integrative Medicine and Regenerative Medicine. Her focus is not just treating musculoskeletal (MSK) ailments, but also facilitating Health by meeting the functional, nutritional, and unique needs of the Person seeking Health.

Clare Frank Clare Frank Author

Dr. Frank is a board-certified specialist in Orthope­dic Physical Therapy (OCS) and a fellow in the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT). She practices in Los Angeles, California.

3 month EDS

3 months of access

Online Webinar



Motor Planning

Case Presentation

Postural Foundation & IAP Training

Manual Therapies

Medical Interventions

External Bracing

Holistic Interventions
