Movement Links Video Library

$199.00 for one year

The Movement Links Video Library consists of a series of educational videos to introduce the movement system and associated tests to the learner. Special attention is given to the setup and procedure of the test and what to look for, in terms of optimal or faulty movement. The 6 part video library contains introductory lectures, movement tests, neuromuscular interventions/exercises, and webinars on various topics. This video series also serves as supplemental material to those taking the “in-person” Movement Links seminar series.

Membership Instructor

Clare Frank Clare Frank Author

Dr. Frank is a board-certified specialist in Orthope­dic Physical Therapy (OCS) and a fellow in the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT). She practices in Los Angeles, California.

Library Video Rental

1 year of access